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Contact Zone Rotterdam Viewpoints series

11 Oct with Deborah
Zoom-session 14.30-16.00 CET

18 Oct with Deborah “in” Rotterdam
studio-session, Cuartito Azul 14.30-16.30 CET

25 Oct in Rotterdam
outdoor-location Blaak (near library) 14.30-16.30 urban sketching * CET

Connection during a time of physical* distancing**

*physical - our moving bodies

**distancing - the space between us

During this workshop, we will notice how Space and Movement, two of the Six Viewpoints, are already shared between us. First we will connect to our senses and gravity through movement. Then we will work on perceiving just how much 1.5 - 2m is in our own spaces.  Finally, we will see if we can observe one another through our computer screens, perhaps pass movements between us, and gather the ways in each changing moment of feeling connected while keeping our distance. 

During the 18 October session at Quartito Azul, we will revisit all of these ideas along with the added challenge/joy of being in the same room together. 

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